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world's Top 10 richest person in 2020

Richest Man in The World 2020

1. Jeff Bezos, $115.5bn
The former hedge fund manager turned online book seller started Amazon in his garage in 1994. Bezos has invested heavily in space technology and also owns The Washington Post newspaper.
2. Bernard Arnault, $114.7bn
Arnault is the wealthiest European on the list. The Frenchman oversees an empire of more than 60 brands including Louis Vuitton and Sephora. And he recently overtook Bill Gates to become the second richest man on the planet.

3. Bill Gates, $109.6bn
A permanent fixture at the top of Forbes’ list for the past 20 years, the Microsoft founder has sold or given away much of his stake in the company – he owns just 1% of Microsoft – and now focuses predominantly on his philanthropic work.
4. Warren Buffett, $90bn
Now in his ninth decade, the Berkshire Hathaway chief executive, known as the “Oracle of Omagh” is one of the most successful investors of all time. Like Gates he has pledged to give away more than 99% of his fortune to charity.

5. Mark Zuckerberg, $81.8bn
Zuckerberg famously started Facebook in 2004 at the age of 19 and now is among the top five richest men in the world.
6. Amancio Ortega, $78.3bn
Ortega stepped down as chairman of Inditex, known for its Zara brand, in 2011 but he still owns nearly 60% of its shares.
7. Larry Ellison, $67.8bn
Co-founder of software firm Oracle, Ellison stepped down as CEO in 2014 but still serves as chairman of the board and chief technology officer.
8. Larry Page, $64.7bn
In 1998, Page co-founded Google with business partner Sergey Brin. He stepped down as CEO of Alphabet, Google’s parent company, in December but is still a board member.
9. Carlos Slim Helu, $63.2bn
Mexico’s richest man, Slim Helu, and his family control America Movil, Latin America’s biggest mobile telecommunications firm. He also owns a stake in Mexican construction, consumer goods, mining and real estate, as well as 17% of The New York Times.
10. Sergey Brin, $62.4bn
The Google co-founder stepped down as president of Alphabet in December, although remains a board member. He spends a lot of time on Alphabet’s moonshot research lab X. Brin recently overtook Mukesh Ambani, whose late father founded Reliance Industries in India, to take the tenth spot on the list.

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